Check out some of our past website design and development projects!
Every business and website owner is different. Our website designs always reflect personal preferences of the owner. I am confident that we can produce a website design for your business that you’ll love!

Teamzy CRM SaaS | Website Development in the Cloud
Serving on the board of directors, I helped form the vision for Teamzy and created the business plan to bring it to market. While making strategic use of my network of contract developers, I led a core team of two website developers and one website designer in the design and development of this new Customer Relationship Management system. Created from the ground up, the entire solution is built on and hosted with Microsoft Azure resources.
Chapman & Clark Law | Website Design
Chapman & Clark Attorney’s at Law needed a simple website. Our aim was to make their website reflect the professionalism and care that they provide to their clients day in and day out.

Go My Puppy | Web Store Development
When I was introduced to Go My Puppy they were thousands of dollars invested and nearly a year into their web store project, but still far from their launch goal. In just 4 weeks taking the project over we were able to build out their web store, begin taking orders and processing credit card payments. Go My Puppy is built on WordPress using WooCommerce and Intuit Payments Gateway.
My Lab Puppies | Local Business Website Design
The old do-it-yourself website for My Lab Puppies needed an overhaul to really differentiate their unique puppy program and to present their passion for service work. We created a website that highlights their passion, helps them market their current puppy litters, and informs prospective families about the benefits of their program for the entire life of the puppy.

Referral Maker CRM | IT Consulting
Buffini & Company needed a CRM custom tailored to their business systems for real estate agents. After reviewing proposals from existing CRM companies I championed the idea of building their own system in-house utilizing Microsoft Azure cloud resources. The end result was a system that became a revenue generator instead of a cost center for the company. Referral Maker fully integrates the company’s systems for nurturing relationships to generate referrals.
AL Advantage Assisted Living SaaS | Web Cloud Development
In 2011 we founded AL Advantage with a vision to help Assisted Living homes improve the care they provide to residents while maintaining regulatory compliance. This web tool created a seamless process for Assisted Living facilities to assess resident needs, create care plans, and then use AL Advantage proprietary care reports for caregivers to deliver on those promises. The solution was built on Microsoft Azure cloud services and exceeded healthcare industry HIPAA and HITECH compliance data protection and security standards.

(760) 415-2276
Web Design, Web Development & Technical Services
by Daniel Sepich